Biking in Salzburg

Anna’s friend Andrew came through town the other day. Fresh from a semester abroad studying in Copenhagen, Andrew decided to cycle from Munich to Vienna before heading back to the U.S.A. One stop along the way was Salzburg.
Andrew heads to Vienna
Andrew heads to Vienna

He pulled in late one evening and I filled his tank with spaetzle and goulash. The following afternoon he wrapped his sleeping bag in plastic and peddled away again in the pouring rain, grinning from ear to ear. I was reminded that one of the best ways to travel from point A to point B is by bicycle and although I am not quite ready to commit to a 300 km trek in the rain, I do like to hop on the Crazy Chicken when headed into town.

In the garage we have a motley assortment of bicycles in various stages of decay. Riding one can be a bit like playing cycle roulette. You may wind up with a seat that won’t hold it’s position, brakes that take the muscle power of the Hulk to slow or quite often one gear either too high or too low for the terrain presented. Even with those handicaps biking Salzburg is an excellent choice if you want to feel the fresh breeze, stay clear of the increasingly snail paced traffic and save on the robbery that is called park garage fees.

With over 170 km of bicycle paths, 5000 bike parking spots and a network of bicycle repair stations with free use of tools, lubricating oil and air, Salzburg must be one of the most bicycle friendly cities in Austria.

The Crazy Chicken waits in one of Salzburg's 5000 bike parking spots.
The Crazy Chicken waits in one of Salzburg’s 5000 bike parking spots.

Salzburg is lush with one way streets (83 to be exact) and the lucky cyclist is allowed to peddle hither and fro without hinderance. This allows a multitude of shortcuts otherwise forbidden by automobile transportation. In Salzburg, cycling is for everyone. Old women ride bikes with wicker baskets on front to the green market and young executives manage to peddle in high heels and short skirts. Children speed along with book bags strapped to their backs and tourists multitask by looking at guide books while taking selfies in front of popular sites. All of the major tourist attractions are accessible by bicycle and you can ride for kilometers along the shaded Salzach when looking for a peaceful day out.

There are several places to rent a bicycle in town, the most convenient being at the mouth of the Mozartplatz.

Bobby and Leah take a spin in the Burley Cart
Bobby and Leah take a spin in the Burley Cart

They will rent by the hour or the day and even have Burley carts available if you want to cart your wee ones around. Many Salzburg hotels are also happy to loan you two wheels for a day in the stadt so, get on a bike!

2 thoughts on “Biking in Salzburg

  1. One of my fondest memories of Salzburg is the Sound of Music Tour -in the rain- with a very entertaining tour guide! The collection of bicycles in your garage was impressive:)

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