Happy Mothers Day! My 19 year old made his first schnitzel the other day. A gargantuan piece of veal cooked to perfection in honor of Mother’s Day.
I sat lazily in the kitchen watching while he put his years of watching to work. He gently pounded the meat between two pieces of plastic wrap, prepared the three key bowls…flour to keep the breading from sticking, eggs to give the breading something to stick to…and the breading, fine bread crumbs (or as we like to call it Brösel). He glanced at me with one eyebrow raised “they have to schwimm” right? The oil was poured, the test flick of flour flicked then the schnitzel swam. Hans is going off to college and he made me a deal. “If I go to college, you have to write something”…and thus “Schnitzel No Noodles…Discovering Salzburg, Austria” was born.
Yeah Hansl for the ingenious way you got your Mama to put her writing in public print. Looking forward to many more installments!!!
I love it!! Thank you Hans for telling your mom to write and the beautiful schnitzel!
Great idea!
Looking forward to all the exciting
Looking forward to the updates.
Looking forward to the updates